Sunday, October 12, 2008

Target Day 3

Okay guys!
The final day. Well, to be fair, I still had a little waste, mostly wrappers from the "occasional" candy bar. One mistake I made was forgetting to take my apple cores down to the compost pile, accumulating some needless waste. On the bright side, nearly everything I had was recycled or reused. It's interesting that when you think about it, so much of the waste we make can be avoided. I guess most of us don't do it because we think it's easier to throw it away. But the few seconds it takes to ponder whether or not something can be recycled, or to carry cloth bags to the grocery store, is well worth the environmental benefit it will have in the long run.
Today was a little bit easier. By using the dining hall more, and only getting what I am able to eat, I am able to reduce the waste I make substantially. Instead of buying sodas and thereby creating bottles to recycle, I drink water instead. I also write on the backs of the pages of my notebook in order to reduce paper waste.

Target Day 1

It's a lot harder to go a day without producing waste than I expected. I have to resist buying food in wrappers such as candy bars, and packaged noodles and soup, because the plastic is not recyclable. One difficulty that prevented me from entirely meeting the goal was eating packaged food. If I missed meals at Ramshead it was very difficult to get food that did not come in some sort of package.